Al Gonzalez

Alexandrie's Piaggio Shield
Alexandrie's Piaggio Shield by @JesterAG (Al Gonzalez)

Just a quickie emblem thing. Whipped this up in Illustrator and Photoshop from scratch.

I just tried to put a new spin on the standard Piaggio shield logo. I wanted something that evoked more of a sense of strength, honor, and of course, kick-assness than the original logo. After all, kick-ass girls need to have kick-ass acessories, right?

Alex has this shield on her belt buckle and the front of her Vespa.

If I can figure out how, I will also have this particualr shield on the front of my own Vespa. Now I wonder if my old high school metal shop is still open...

Finished Work
20y53d ago
Other Work By @JesterAG

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 26 April, 2004 @ 08:07 PM

did you know that in italy, piaggio makes little 3 wheeled 4x4 pickups? they scoot around and seat 2 if you squeeze. They need em though cause the roads are like 5ft across and dirt. super uber sheild! i cant doo proportions right and my shields always end up screwed...kudos ~Lyra

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