Sonitweek C

Sexy and pround to be
Sexy and pround to be by @manucote (Sonitweek C)

My dear Saya-Mel

People wanted more Saya-Mel, so there we are.

I like her outfit, a little bit to sessy but I like it. And yes I know she has a big head but I only saw it when I inked it -_- Damn. But anyway...

Teen (D)
19y174d ago
Other Work By @manucote

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 01 November, 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Awesome pic, as always. Darn, I just love your clean b&w work! All of the lines look perfect--even the fishnets, which look slightly pulled and tangled in different directions, like real fishnet usually does! I love her expression as well, you really do kick butt at expressing emotions. The smoke is also very well done--I'm really impressed with how you made it seem transparent over her legs. Very, very cool! I am definetly a big fan of this picture--I think my favorite part is how her legs are pulled up, so it's like she's kind of pushed into the picture frame. Awesome work! I really love seeing your stuff here!

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  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.