Daisy le Toast

Captain Jack
Captain Jack by @small_frosted_creature (Daisy le Toast)

Another doodle-turned-drawing from Physics. Geez, it's worth getting up at the crack of dawn if this is what happens. Or maybe my muse just likes math. ...Whatever.

My sister and i watched PotC the other day, and i saw some fanart yesterday, and it made me wonder if i could draw Jack Sparrow and actually make it look like Jack Sparrow. Apart from his eyes being gigantic, i don't think it's too bad. He looks kinda scrawny. I suppose that's what comes from drawing the Tallest all the time. :P Also note the interesting style of shading. This is known as the "I Made This Up As I Went Along" style, and it means that i am too lazy to observe shadows in real life and learn to do it for real. Hah.

I had the worst time with his hair. Stupid hair. Stupid ... ugly ... cool hair. ¬.¬;

Finished Work
19y229d ago
Other Work By @small_frosted_creature

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 21 October, 2004 @ 03:45 PM

wonderful work........and I love Johnny Depp......great way to create your own animation...

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