Patricia Green

Radio's Birthday Gift
Radio's Birthday Gift by @SolarGriffin (Patricia Green)

A very VERY late birthday gift for my good friend Radio. My scanner died and it took forever to get a new one --'

So yes, this does not do her justice. She has done so much for me and all I can give is a black and white picture. Note to you all: I suck as a friend. And on top of that, I killed Leon. Must work on dinos...

Eh, it's pretty simple... Anzy, Leon, Rik and Koo all around a cake. And, no, that is not a pipe in Koo's mouth. It's a noise maker.

Hmmm... I do like how Rik came out, though - especially his paws. Not my usual dragon style, but I thought it worked for him. ^-^

Rough / Concept
20y183d ago
Other Work By @SolarGriffin

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Friday, 13 February, 2004 @ 12:45 AM

Aww, that's awesome. I especially love the draggin x) Hee, cute.

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