Woah. Cat ears caught me off guard...
But if not for those, (and the oversized bust) the old lady would look perfectly oriental. The face--and costume--look great. Younger girl looks pretty good too. And the colors...Yeah, they look worthy of the time put into them. 'Specailly like the fabric folds. And the ripped jeans. Those look quite realistic...
Benri-ba by @klawzie (Chella Reaves)
Katareena Perkins in the process of buying an apple from Grandmother Lei (Shae Jo'joba's grannie) and also chatting/asking how the family is.
"Benri-ba" roughly (probably VERY roughly) translates to "convenient place" in Japanese. (Or, at least, the words are supposed to mean 'convenient' and 'place' respectively.) I also kinda like the way it sounds.
Picture took me about three days to color. (Working at about three hours, five hours and 30 minutes or so respectively.)
Comments & Critiques (4)
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Lovely job on this, m'dear. It's got a nice sense of place, and you've done some nice coloring too. Good details--I like the li'l motar and pestle on Gran'ma's apron, and also the li'l leaf things on her dress.
My main issue? Granma looks a bit stiff. Just the way she's holding her arm out to her side there, and the way she's taking hold of the broom--I'd like to see that rethumbnailed (I'm aware you can't go back and redo this ;) so it looks a little more...natural/oldladyish.
Great job on Granma's face, too--though I'd like to see her eyes focus on the gal. Heck, I'd like to see the gal focus on Granma better, too. That'll really add to the sense of interaction. (I could do a quick paintover, if you'd like).
Um...Yeah. Aside from that? (Thumbs up). It's great to see you doing stuff like this.
If you'd like to do a paintover, I'd appreciate it. :D
Yeah, Grammie's a bit stiff. My fault because I was trying to get across her 'good posture' and 'dignity' and couldn't get her hands to look right. (I actually changed the broom from one hand to the other three times. ;p )
And I used to have a puppy backpack (not yellow, though). Now I have a Ryo-oki one. :D
Wow.. Great job on the shading and the hair. The textures are very well done, especially on the clothes. The only thing I could say is that the apples aren't round. Nice job on the rest of it though.The anatomy is, as far as I can see, real good. My only issue with it is the old lady's breast size... My grandmother doesn't look anything like that (I'm just taking my grandmother as an example for all old ladies - I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that or not). Nice job on all the little details as well. Keep it up! :D