Li Chi Son

Big big group pic of whomever I can fit
Big big group pic of whomever I can fit by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I drew this after rping with bro bro and Bubbles. Hope your mom is ok.

I was trying to think who is "good" but there isn't any sense of what is truely right or wrong in this rp so I'm kinda stumped. I guess honour would have to fit where there is no distinct "bad vs good" characters.

Notes: Li Chi - normal Li Chi wouldn't make that face, the other persona, 3 eyes would so it's more 3 eyes than the real Li Chi. Zaltite - he has two names, Drallos is his demon name and Zal's his real name (glomp) I just hope I don't have to fight him again. I think I've had to fight him 2-3 times already. -- what a way for a relation to work... Sakura - she's pointing her tongue for no reason >< But she sure looks good doing it XD. She's probably looks around 16-20 years old. Gohan - hugs hugs bro bro, but I think I screwed you over (that nude sketch of Gohan looks better than this one) I still need practice on spiky haired people. Divim Reborn - I really like his haitdo XD squeek I'm so glad he's "good!" even though he tends to get into trouble. Veremund - damnit! His hair is too pooffy! I was going to put some aging lines under his eyes but age works against this 40 year oldie! XP hair's too poofy! X( Raidee - the hair is probably off and so is his uberly long side profile --. Rei - I just shoved her in cause of her hair and that I was trying to draw closed eyes again....needs lots of work. She's still alive....barely (damn Dragon brothers who kidnapped her! You spoiled nutcakes!)

I'm not making sense anymore....must stop.


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y130d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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