Li Chi Son

Introducing a new char! RAYVEN! YEAHHHH!!! PARTY!
Introducing a new char! RAYVEN! YEAHHHH!!! PARTY! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

It's not done yet, just a few more detail before it's done but so happy! I drew Rayven, Drallos's half-brother.

Just rped and I get to find out he a crazy son-of-a-b....well, you know. He just doesn't want Drallos to be happy at all! Keeps destroying his happiness just so these two can team up and be allies.

CRAZY! All that work and he destorys Li Chi and Drallos's relation just like that!! ARGH! Trust me...she's not happy at all. Shortest 4 days I've spent in the rp world (felt like 1 hour :P)

Curse you Rayven. I'll crush you like an insect tries to squish him with her fingers while he stands a very far distance away perish! squeezes her 2 fingers together with an image of him kinda in between continuously ((<--has gone crazy))


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

21y128d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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