The pretty things are going to Hell by @Demented_Rabbit (demented rabbit)
Wow. I haven't drawn my alter ego is so long, (last time I had short hair) I hadn't sketched in so long and decided to finish old ones. I did dye my hair this color--Nuclear Red--and I think I've found my a/e look. XD I know the jacket was whiter than this before, but I was trying to make it look more authentic...and i suppose dirtier, older looking; I left out the blood stains. -lol- My ass and things are bigger than that. , trying to keep the same as myself. I also noticed that I lack the 'sharp' edge style as before. Still trying to find the feel for the Mallet of DoOm.
Really nice angle on this image, that really stood out in the thumbnail. The character design is interesting and I like the way you drew the hands. A little shading in the hair wouldn't be remiss, though it does have a bit of a nice effect as it is - and it looks as though scanning might have lost some shading. The spear blade is a little crooked, but otherwise nicely drawn. I like the pose.