B Sanders

Sun Calligraphy
Sun Calligraphy by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

"Sand does not travel a lonesome journey. Because the Sun is alive."

A piece that I started working on for a sketch I was doing. Unfortunately, with all the practice I put in, I was a little dismayed that I could not actually pair it with the sketch I had made it for because I had been working with a full-sized sheet of paper and a fude-pen that does not let me make small enough strokes to let me put all the vowel diacritics in with the consonants. Arabic is a language which I have not had much time to study, so I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the statement I intended to write. Nor do I have more than a basic understanding of how to do calligraphy in Arabic; I can at least write the letters, and that's about it. Shaping them as I wanted took some time, and this is about as well as I had expected to do given my lack of experience and practice. I'm sure a native speaker will gladly point out that the statement is nonsense because I've violated the usual rules of calligraphic Arabic (if not tell me the statement, though readable, doesn't make much sense itself).
Regardless, I'm pleased because it was something I'd never tried before and, with some work and practice, I formed it into about what I had wanted to do with it. It is certainly a lot cleaner than my other attempts, and I got it tweaked to fit the intended shape better, although probably not best. I'll be posting the sketch itself at a later time.

© 2022 B Sanders

Finished Work
1y139d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination
In These Portfolios

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