It's pretty... I like how the eye is done. It's pretty. Sorry, I'm a bit out of it. But it's pretty.
Yeah, it seems like all I can say is it's pretty. But oh well. Because it is. Pretty, that is.
Kelli Rae
Whee! i like the Whole composition of the art! The ideas are great with the hand and the eye! And It is so neatly drawn! ^^
Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind
Wow. Awesome. Really. It is. Wow. The It's so open to interpretation, and yet, it clearly says something, doesn't it?Honeslty, I think that if Fluffy no Miko even considered it at her level to look at this picture, she wouldn't get it. It's just beyond her, I think to grasp the nature of such art. But I am impressed. Tell Anwe I said so.
Fluffy no miko. I'm a bit confused.
"I can't review all I want so there!"
What's that supposed to mean exactly?
scratches head
You can't review all you want? You can't review?
raises eyebrows
One more thing that I scratch my head and raise my eyebrows on: "Fluufy-sama?"
That's different.
Kewl! Me likes! Me likes! I love how Anwe has Sessh reflected in Rae's eyes and her hand with her ice powers! VERY artsy. Thumbs up! And since no else has commented yet, I have something to say to Fluffy no Miko if she looks at this pic. Back off. You are no Sesshoumaru fan. You are a rabid obsessive compulsive childish fan girl who doesn't have a clue about fandom. The point of fan art and fic is to explore the deeper parts of a characters personality that you may or may not see in the show. So until you figure that out and quit making a pest of yourself and shaming the race of humans, at least have the guts to leave your freaking email address so that we can continue this pointlessness somewhere that innocent bystanders don't have to be exposed. Understood?