Jennie Smith

Link After Battle!
Link After Battle! by @jennsmi2 (Jennie Smith)

This pic is rather bloody! but you see all those pictures of link battling and you've gotta think: "he cannot look like that after a battle!!" so i drew this one, turned out great i think! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jennie Smith

Finished Work
22y138d ago
Other Work By @jennsmi2

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 19 February, 2002 @ 11:13 PM

Cool! I think the reason they don't have Link all battered up after battle is that it would be more difficult to program. But we can just imagine his battered body if we want to. It makes him seem cuddly. =D

But do you mind if I give some critique? If one is really beaten up, they don't have much strength to stand up straight unless they're leaning against a wall, and judging by Link's feet, he's not near the wall. This picture would be much more effective if he was hunched over in some way. Also, blood doesn't just cake at the wound. If you've got wounds like you'd get in a swordfight/etc... they will bleed a lot. Blood is a liquid, and will drip, dribble, and pour just as water (I'm sure this is making for such lovely mental images, no?).

Otherwise, cool. =D

Posted: Sunday, 24 February, 2002 @ 07:39 PM

thanks! yea i i realized that after i had drawn it. (which was at about one in the morning...) i am not the best at humans, wolves are my speciatly. ill try to fix him up sometime! thanks again!

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