Took Kids by @carlbran (Carly Branam)
This is from a much, muuuch later, possible Fangirls story. You can probably guess what happens between Pippin and Erin. :D I know he marries some smuck named Diamond in the books, but I'm working out a nice, convenent storyline to get around that. Also notice that one of the kids is named Diamond.
Ok, Faramir is the oldest, he thinks he's a punk, theirfor, the blue hair. next is Ginger, the oldest girl, who is sorta bossy and wild. Then Fred and George, the twins, who are convenently a lot like the Harry Potter Fred and George (I am so unorigional...). Then Hermia, the tomboy and real badass of the family. After her is Matthias, who's just an all around sweet guy, animal lover, nature boy whom all the girls have crushes on that he never notices. That's his ferrit, Gandalf the White (haha). Then Diamond and Pip (Named for his daddy! ^-^) another set of twins, though they are nothing alike. Diamond is daddy's little girl, very feminine. Pip is the smallest in the family, and dosn't like it. The girls call him Little Pip and the boys call him Pip-Squeak, neither of which he likes. Tugger is the dog. he's a biiiig dog. Seeing as these are hobbits, most of the kids could probably ride on him. :)
Artwork © Copyright 2002 Carly Branam
^_^This pic is AWESOME! I like all the kids you drew. If you put the fanfic story on PLEASE tell me what's your penname! I REALLY WANNA read it!