
Rulers of the underworld
Rulers of the underworld by @Isolde (Isolde)

Hades and his wife Persephone. I don't watch the Hercules series, because it's too early on TV (for me g), so I don't know if Disney already invented a design for Persephone. I drew this just looking at a pic with Hades grinning. I know there are some mistakes...ahem... (little annotation: if I wanted to draw his sister (if he had one) I'd make her nose or her chin a bit like his.) ANOTHER THING: yep, Perse's looks could be wrong, BUT I read Hades was also considered to bring wealth, fertility and such, sooo both are good & bad gods. (and on their original "drawings" they look nice)

Finished Work
22y230d ago
Other Work By @Isolde

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 15 December, 2001 @ 08:27 PM

Very creative! :) Maybe you could be a Disney Artist someday! ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 15 January, 2002 @ 04:31 PM

Oh wow, that's really neat! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were an artist for Disney, or at least one in-training!

Posted: Monday, 21 January, 2002 @ 11:16 AM

awwww, this is cutie! ^_^ Hades and Persephone, sitting in a tree.....bwaha!

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