B Sanders

Afarit Travel Pendant (Aedundo GM, 1985 CE)
Afarit Travel Pendant (Aedundo GM, 1985 CE) by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

Another travel pendant, this time with the reverse. This is one of the newer styles as mentioned in the previous work, with the text printed in the design rather than handwritten and sculpted. This is the same du'a' as before, and this pendant is slightly smaller than the 1840 pendant. The stamp on the back indicates that this particular pendant was produced for the Grand Mosque of Aedundo (in Aedundo, capital city of the Afarit nation of Aen Baifä) as well as its production year. However, because the Djinn have their own calendar in addition to using the Islamic Calendar, the years do not match the Gregorian Calendar. This particular pendant was produced in 1406 AH (Anno Hegirae, the Islamic Hijrah calendar) and 1416 AG (Anno Genius, the Djinn solar calendar). Many Djinn Muslims like to have at least one of these various pieces of jewelry from the mosque they frequent, and they often obtain a new one if they change mosques.

© 2023 B Sanders

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