does kitty pose and shakes head.. does kitty pose again....and shakes head Does it one last time with enthusiasm WOO!
And I Already guessed that your Neopets name would be doompuppy. XD Im so smart....yet so stupid at the same time...
Dane S.
.. A Blooey, in some tweaked-out mouse-drawn cartoony style (yes, i am aware that she looks kind of like a cat >O). I got bored. And like.. she did a VERY pretty picture of my character and my poor little innards turned to mush. MUSH..... i say.
THREE "E"-rated pictures in a row..?! AAH, MY BRAIN!! sizzle
By the way, another side-note; I have replied to very little e-mail in MONTHS. Because my inbox SCARES ME, okay. I'm trying, i am.. its just a little hard for a socialphobe.. not to use that as an excuse, but its true.
And to the people who asked, my name on neopets is doompuppy, but I rarely ever visit, so yeah.
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Sure, I'd be happy to do a trade with you! I've seen your archive before (I guess I'm a little too shy to comment.. ee..), and I really like your character designs. What would you like me to draw..?
For your half, I don't really have any preferrences, any of my characters you feel comfortable drawing is fine :).