Patricia Green

OOOPS! by @SolarGriffin (Patricia Green)

Eh... heh heh. Yea, when I uploaded this, I was in a rush. Accidentally, I thought it was my mechanical object. Soo.... Anyone who saw the description before and was confused... It was a mistake on my behalf ^^'

Right, so this is NOT my mechanical object. This is my light source project. I didnt follow the directions that well... The light source should have been MUCH stronger. Oh well. Everything from my art 3 class sucks anyway. I must finish my AP stuff from this year and show that instead.

This is gouche. Opaque watercolor. Very cool medium. My personal favorite type of paint.

Finished Work
20y232d ago
Other Work By @SolarGriffin

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 04 November, 2003 @ 09:30 AM

fantastic! like a snow globe without the snow! what a peaceful scene- under the water it is silent- not urban not desolate- bliss- there is so much more out there than cartoons! good work

Posted: Tuesday, 04 November, 2003 @ 11:02 AM

very nice.. but i think you should have worked a bit more on the dolphins .. theyre a bit out of proportion.. but its relly a beautiful picture io like the sun rays comming down in the water !

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