Daisy Hunt

Expedition Start!
Expedition Start! by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

From an upcoming branch-off of my Lead Me Through the Fire fic. This time around, David is alive again, but neither he or Duke remember the events of the case. And then they and Serenity end up involved in a new strange mystery not unlike one of Indiana Jones'. And somehow, it seems to connect to both what they don't remember and the reason why those memories are blocked.

The only real reason Serenity is wearing short shorts is because I wanted to experiment with drawing thighs and knees. XD; Though her anime self does seem fond of short shorts, I find it bizarre that her protective mother would allow it.

I'll touch some things up before I color, and hopefully figure out how to draw the hands of the arms Serenity and Duke have going around each other.

14y31d ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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