Rennie Masaki

Alegria by @mayonaka (Rennie Masaki)

This is my faery Alegria. Inspired from Brian Froud's work. This is my second attempt at using watercolor pencil crayons, so bare with me. Sorry Al, I just found them at the bottom of my dresser! ^^;; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rennie Masaki

Finished Work
21y92d ago
Other Work By @mayonaka

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 12:32 PM

::glomps Rennie:: Another Brian Froud fan! Yipee! Let me guess, she's named after the song on the Faeries soundtrack! (I heart that CD. It seriously made my life. :) She's so pretty, her wings are just like the pressed fairy album. I also love how she's in your own style as well, and the bright colors are great. I luv it! Yipee! Brian Froud is da best! And you're awesome too!


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