Mille mercis for the gold star award and your kind comment, Belette argentée!
Dual strike by @AmiralAesir (Amiral Aesir)
Bothan and Daji, ready for some fights. Do not mess with the leaders of the Armada, you could regret this!
Sometime, I think of my story in several videogames, and couldn't think but a RPG starring the Kitsune sisters. Even thinking about some dual strikes
Daji isn't used to the magic, at the reverse of her twin sister Bothan, so I always think of one of her final fury as a huge space raid with her call of the Armada. Bombardement from the admiral's juggernaught Judgement... Why not calling this Judgement's call?dribbles
Kitsune Daji & Bothan © Amiral Aesir
Lined the 6th May 2008. Digitally colored the 8th May 2008. Watercolors the 4th February 2009.
Finished Work
15y295d ago
Wow! How do you do it! :D So much good detail in your artwork. Excelent job! ^_^