Aurora Windsoar

For Gwen, With Hate
For Gwen, With Hate by @_Sphynx_ (Aurora Windsoar)

Arg, this was a picture I did during the whole Gwen fiasco. For those not in the know, my friend dated this girl names Gwen. She was ok, not exceptionally nice or anything, but ok. Later on, they broke up, and she started going after my -other- friend, and spreading lies about the first. They were stupid little lies, but they quickly escalated into things like "he force me to have sex! Boo Hoo!" Now, I know that for a fact to be false, but she wouldn't let up. Then, she started saying that everyone in my group of friends, excluding the guy that wanted her and me, were planning on raping her. Now, that would have been very ignorable, but the school office got involved and too HER side on things. It nearly got my boyfriend, at the time, expelled! sigh She was such a bitch.

19y324d ago
Other Work By @_Sphynx_

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 17 July, 2004 @ 08:18 PM

Scary O_x....i would run into a tree X_x Kweh¿?¿? Great job and good luck on all your next art thingys :p...

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