A true artist is one that creates and that you have...very good.....Shirley
Death to Standardized Testing!! by @Biscuits (Elli Gibbs)
Before I could register for courses at University we had to take these horrible tests (okay, they weren't "horrible", but I hate them. Apparently my ACT scores didn't speak for themselves). Anyway, y'know that odd feeling you get after taking one of those tests? Yeah. This was mine.
...I actually kinda look like that. Scary, huh?
Heh heh, I'm such a wirdo, test a F-U-N for me.. heh heh.. good sketch though, you have major use of expression, pose and style ( i hope your real eyelashes arn't that long though) and the zonk was a nice touch, though maybe you coulda done something with it? I also love the shading, nice job :)