Li Chi Son

Making a rpgMaker game looks hard...but first thing first...draw chars!!! (aka.  Meet sexy hubby #2: TRUNKS!)
Making a rpgMaker game looks hard...but first thing first...draw chars!!! (aka. Meet sexy hubby #2: TRUNKS!) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I've been dying to redesign my 3 hubbies one day and making a rpg game with all my characters I invented from obscure ideas I had dating from 1999 and on.

I've already designed the main character (who will be placed here after the rest of the reloads) and another character. All chars are based on old ones :P. Time to guess who bro bro....once I make the game, that is -_-

Trunks.....no longer ACTS (or looks) like Akira Toriyama's version. Only similarity is the name. He's not very friendly but he sure looks good with his new clothes on ^_^.

Memory of Alaer Kino's style of having 'clustered' pictures (but's she's a beautiful artist nonetheless). She was having financial troubles and I hope she can get through it. She greatly influenced me and my style.

Side profile is messed up a bit...no longer have that 'big head' problem....I hope -_-.


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y41d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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