holiday picture trade [fin] by @alienfirst (Amanda Lien)
Let it be noted that Ayame is the only person I will do a picture trade with at the moment. Why? Nevermind that, I don't have to explain myself to you.
Anyway, we each drew a Christmas theme (Ayame drew one with a character from a story of hers, and a character from Mode Ryuu, and I did the same), then switched pictures and colored them. This one took a lot of filter messing to get the final product. I'm happy with it, and I hope she's happy with it too. Matsue, from Ayame's Applause Room, is sprawled over the frost dragon (the antagonist for my Christmas Mode Ryuu story).
I wish everyone a happy holidays and new year (and may you all get many, many gifts).
The colors for the dragon turned out great! I especially like the ice-thingy on his back. It's also very refreshing to finally see Matsue in color. The eyes are SO her, you have no idea. And she does look good with purple hair, yes yes. It also compliments the dragon's eye. ^_^ The background matches very well. All this double shading came off wonderfully. And the filters make sense. I love it so!! Thanks for doing this deliciously fun project with me! And a job well done.