Swiftwind Spirit

Wolf and Girl
Wolf and Girl by @Swiftwind_Spirit (Swiftwind Spirit)

A combinded drawing and picture of a wolf sitting next to a girl, who are both looking up at the moon in the night sky. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Swiftwind Spirit

Finished Work
21y201d ago
Other Work By @Swiftwind_Spirit

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 04 October, 2003 @ 03:01 PM

This is lovely the wolf is very real looking, I think you like wolves as well.

You do need to add more depth to the colours you use though, try using other colours and shades to make them more solid looking instead of them looking so flat as they do at present.

For instance a purple used along the underside of the wolves jaw will darken it and make that part look like it's in shadow. While a light yellow along the top of the skull will give the effect that the light is shining full on that part of him. Now apply that to the rest of the picture, and it will look really great.

Just one thing more, place the drawing on a larger sheet of paper, on which you have drawn radiating lines, from the light source. This will help you to remember where to have shadows and where to have highlights. :D

I must go now, got a picture to try to finish by Wednesday :)

Hugs Steph

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.