Kate Dagger

Culture Clash
Culture Clash by @katedagg (Kate Dagger)

Poor Faustine. She was innocently watching TV with Stormcrow, Marvin, and Bexa, when a certain watch-carrying killjoy came in and dragged her off to bed. Also an excuse to do some pics of Stormcrow and Marvin in their twenties, although the scanner ate Bexa's colors; his muzzle is gray, not green! (aside from being able to talk, he's a normal dog, and ages at the same rate.) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kate Dagger

Finished Work
21y226d ago
Other Work By @katedagg

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 19 November, 2002 @ 10:11 AM

::just DYING:: awww powa lil' Faustine! Hey dun worry you can come watch TV at my place ^^ and NK will keep your daddy occupied while we do so! ::grins::

Posted: Thursday, 21 November, 2002 @ 12:05 PM

::busts up laughing:: Poor lil' Faustine. I bet Pasty does hate the TV along with other modern inventions. ::snickers at a thought of Faustine being a teenager jamming to a radio turned to full volume:: Love the coloring as usual, and the proportions are nice. The bedspread is so realistic looking. ^_^

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