Nichol Stout

by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

This is from my werewolf story from a loooooong time ago when my friend Katt came up with the idea for it. Making me into a werewolf... the idea.. was perfect. Whats going on and who are those wolfs may you ask? Well Ill tell you. The red and black wolf is D.C. the evil werewolf in the Amock Clan. The wolf with the sword is Nicky, Alpha female of the pack. The wolf with the cool shoulder pad, is Logan, Alpha male of the clan. D.C. was power hungry and decided to make Logan's mate into a beserker, and then turned her on him. D.C. knew that Logan wouldnt attack his mate, loving her too much to do her harm. And here is where you would think some ray of hope would save them all... no, Logan did die. When Nicky came to, she was crushed. D.C. didnt gain leadership of the pack though, Hope did, a white wolf, Nicky's protecter. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

21y218d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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