Nichol Stout

Amocin Raid and Anubis
Amocin Raid and Anubis by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

I just wanted to get this up. Its Amocin, that white tiger/lion/eagle/shark though i kept the wings out in this one for some reason.. you will see that often.. i dont know why, i just leave them out cause i wanna put more stuff around her and the wings kinda hinder that. Anubis the egyptain god of the dead is there, yelling at her. Doesnt she look kinda nervious? I wanted the colors on his headress to be diffrent.. same color of blue.. just the gold where the red is.. but somebody else offered to color that part while i was doing something else... too bad i didnt catch the mistake before it happened. Raid, her hell dragon of a father is behind her, though not really getting into the argument. I want to put fire in the background cause this does take place in hell. This comes from my Furcadia story, right before Amocin had even came to Furcadia. She was getting yelled at for mistakes in her training session. Oh well.. so is the life of a virgin general of an army of the dead. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

21y218d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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