Beth Kendzejeski

Widge City :D
Widge City :D by @bethkend (Beth Kendzejeski)

Oi.. I beat my own record too! From the last group pic of widges I decided to do a new one with more of them! I still have a few more to add and to color. So far we have(in no particular order): Sigma, Scott Razorwing, Dark Coolex, Neon Dragon, Pyrite, Sythe, Drac Bloodlust, Tilas, Norb, Mecha Sonic 2, Jamie Swiftrunner, Redrock, Raygirl, Meg Chan, Darc, Owen, NoOman, Kait Sith, Bug, Nik Manic, Lady Laguna, Eunos, Foxxara, Nadia, Kixxy, Justin Greene, Sailex, Amy, Firebird, a sheep, Angie, and Darc Jr the chao. falls over dead O.O Artwork © Copyright 2002 Beth Kendzejeski

Rough / Concept
21y359d ago
Other Work By @bethkend

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 15 July, 2002 @ 09:48 AM

WIDGES!!!! GLEEEE! Look at all da ikkle widges :D Nice piccie! Rayewidge is CUTENESS!

Posted: Monday, 15 July, 2002 @ 12:23 PM

WOW You really overdid it with the widge department...

Keep up the good work FB, allmybasebelongstoyou

Posted: Thursday, 12 September, 2002 @ 07:11 AM

eeep too many serches for self

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