Hayley Price

Rae . . . with fun shading!
Rae . . . with fun shading! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

This picture actually has a context, but to tell you that would be to give away a half-formed future storyline that would be ever so important if I ever get it done. The only thing I'll say is that her amulet being missing was intentional. The belt being missing was an oversight . . .

And you can read my comic at http://thosedestined.keenspace.com !

Y'know, that's one thing I've noticed, particularly with Invader Zim fanart. People will make referances to all sorts of fan characters, which is understandable; but then they'll talk about the fanfiction that those characters may belong to, and heartily recommend it, and tell me to go read it, without leaving any clue as to where to go to find it. It's a bit frustrating. But not much, 'cause I'm not actually that much of a Zim buff.

21y346d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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