Hayley Price

Invader Zim Fancharacter? GASP!!!
Invader Zim Fancharacter? GASP!!! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to stare at the Invader Zim fanart on the recent uploads page, enjoy the TV show, and NOT have an Invader Zim fan character.

Provided, of course, you happen to be me.

Anyway, this is Invader Rek, in her true form and her disguised form. Yes, I'm certain forteen hundred other people have fancharacters named Rek, but I didn't steal the name outright and I'm not going to go through the list of pre-approved names for Irkens that haven't been taken up by other people because I'm LAAAZZZY. Her other form is named . . . well, is named 'meow', but pitch is VERY important for this race of feline-like aliens. Literally translated it means 'Brown-Eyed Cat'. In other words, it's the most boring name possible in her language.

I did this drawing without any solid referance material, just several trips online where I'd get sucked in by fancomics and forget whatever info I had found between the keyboard and my drawing desk. Hench her anime-ishness and the flaws in her outfit. That having been said . . . I really like this picture.

So. Average, unremarkable fan-invader . . . WITH A TWIST! What you see here ISN'T an Irken and an Iken in a cat costume, but a CAT, and a CAT IN AN IRKEN COSTUME!!! MWA HA HA HA HA!!!

She has an extensive backstory, which . . . won't be written here, as this description is too long already.

Ballpoint pen and colored pencils. Booyeah.

21y343d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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