Sheldon aka Krystalwolvelt

Slipknot: Corey taylor
Slipknot: Corey taylor by @KrystalWolvelt (Sheldon aka Krystalwolvelt)

I've started a new project draw everyone in the slipknot band including.

Mick (1st lead guitarist) Jim rooter (2nd lead guitarist) Joey jordison (Drummer) Shaun aka clown (back up vocal) Cid (turn tables) Chris and a few others to

The background I did is a reptile background with a bizzare eye, I really like doing fantasy and bizzare backgrounds, it takes alot of time but its worth it believe me.

Image (c) Krystallwolvelt aka sheldon

Finished Work
18y307d ago
Other Work By @KrystalWolvelt

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 29 August, 2005 @ 12:46 PM

tahts a great sketch. Cant wait to see the rest of the band

Posted: Tuesday, 30 August, 2005 @ 10:58 AM
thanks : D I have already drawn Mick (lead guitarist) and its already on my gallery.

my DeviantArt gallery gets my art first before Side7.

Posted: Monday, 29 August, 2005 @ 05:59 PM

Although I am not a big fan of slipknot I do like a few of their songs but I did this exact project to draw every member from the band starting with Joey. Mine sadly didnt make it as far as yours because I never finished a single picture and I gave up but this is really good! Can't wait to see you finish the others. Keep up the great work!

Posted: Tuesday, 30 August, 2005 @ 11:00 AM

Thanks! :D I once did a picture of joey jordison, he was one of the first pictures I submited on DeviantART, I did that last year.

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