Beautiful...I love the anatomy =) That's a hard angle, but you pulled it off well. I love the legs...always find it impressive when someone manages to draw NICE horse-legs, heh. And her name is pretty. XD Great job. =D
Brier by @Lady_Epona (Sara Maydew)
Wheee. :) My newest character, Brier the Unicorn. This particular image is just concept art for my Media Studies project (Brier is the main character in a computer game. Not a real one, sadly, just one created for the class). However, she has also become a character in a story (because it had to happen... :P), which also contains OtoƱo, Corbeau and Miri. Hehe. Basically, I took characters from my other failing and long forgotten texts and threw them into a new one. Yay!
I quite like this, actually. I'm not sure if I'll keep the bangles on her legs, though, even though she does start life as a domestic Unicorn. Oh, and those markings aren't natural - they've been painted on. She was meant to be a sacrifice. Heh heh.
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Cool! Paint + unicorn = pretty x)