Kat Dugas

"You'll pay for that one, Byasen!" by @katduga (Kat Dugas)

Drawing angry wolves is very fun, especially when you've got a lot of frustration pent up. I don't exactly remember what was annoying me when I drew this as it was before Spring Break, and I try not to focus on stress.

So yep. I'm guessing he's just standing up from having fallen over, or been knocked over, or something. He looks mad, so I'm assuming he's yelling at Timbre.

The posture's not half-bad, again I'm trying to get away from poses. Action shots are much more impressive anyway. Boop. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kat Dugas

Finished Work
21y79d ago
Other Work By @katduga

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 06:03 AM

WHOO!!! I just realized yestreday that I have a major crush on Kakashi-sama! ^^;;; Anyways, I think whatever happened, Spencer deserved it. ^^ Awright. Gotta go. Bye! Sondilyn ^O^

Posted: Friday, 11 April, 2003 @ 04:24 PM

Aww... poor Spencer... ;_; He looks mad... AHHH! runs away


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