Heeeey I guess you ARE her stepmom! XD!!
u.u;; And I'm sure it was Dai's idea to get her a globe. I wanted to get a her a yarn ball but nooooooo.... 9.9;
KidK Mirai
More Castle Christmas arts! Here we have Eve tearing into one of her X-mass presents and dreaming of what could be inside. ^.^ She ish da cutest, and has long hair now! So pretty! Hee...probably Bast and Dai would've gotten her the more funner gift, really, but still. Kawaii-nicity.
Hey, Bast, if you're my wifey does that mean that Eve's my stepdaughter? If so...muhahahaha...I knew I would have that smeet for mine someday...
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AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! More excessive smeety cuteness!!! ^_^ EEEEE Eve! Heehee, she's so very CUTE sleepin on that ball of twine... the biggest ball of twine in MinneSOTAAAAAA!! I mean.. cough Awww... the cuteness... snuggles Eve too