Ayame Suzuki

reach for you
reach for you by @minako134 (Ayame Suzuki)

Every once in a while, something good comes out. This. Is One. Of Those Times.

I know there are errors still in this (the eyes bug me a little, and I still can't do clothes), but compared to everything else I've ever made, I am totally in love with this one.

I figured out a new (and cheap) way to give hair shine! ^_^ 2nd impression isn't as good as when you first see it, though...

Made up the character for the pose. Probably won't even make a story to go with it, espeically since I have such low work ethic when it comes to writing my stories. ^^;; If you want to write something, feel free to do so, and send a copy to me. ^^

grins happily This is why I draw.

Finished Work
21y32d ago
Other Work By @minako134

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 03 June, 2003 @ 05:33 PM

The fist time i looked at this I thought it was a screenshot from an anime _
This picture just amazes me... The way it flows, and the colours. THE COLOURS. Beautiful work.

Posted: Wednesday, 04 June, 2003 @ 12:42 AM

I would love to write a story for your beautiful, beautiful picture. First I have a few questions. First off, how long does the story have to be? Second, do you have a name for your, totally adorible, guy? I keep thinking Otto, but if you've already come up with something better let me know. Anyway you have my e-mail. I wont start unless i get a reply but, damn. That's a great picture.

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