Solo Lobo

Thana by @sololobo (Solo Lobo)

Well, it's were, but there's no category for were so I just put it under furry (my apologies if I have insulted anyone by this). A character I had thought up a while ago for a story-thing that will never be written, just for my own imagination and drawing enjoyment. This is Thana (named after William Cullen Bryant's "Thanatopsis"), the clan whore (reason for my language rating) and also a sentry. Strong, independent, poised, well-bred, and seductive, she takes command from no man unless money is involved. She was not given the position by choice, but decides she might as well make the best of it. She is looked upon as a possession, a thing, an inanimate object; basically treated much as an omega. Sneek Peek: The other main character is the son of the alpha... (BTW, the thing the "mark of slavery" comment is pointing to is the tattoo.)

Teen (L)
Rough / Concept
22y205d ago
Other Work By @sololobo

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