@sololobo || Profile
Solo Lobo

@sololobo (Solo Lobo)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
20 November, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
19 September, 1986
sololobo turns 38 this year.
Louisiana, Unspecified
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Thanks for stoping by. My name's Mary, and I am a high school student and amateur freelance artist from Louisiana. I love drawing, wolves, werewolves, music (Deftones, KoRn, Taproot, Chevelle, NIN, Coal Chamber, nature sounds, Native American meditation music, most techno, and a little New Age), taditional-style archery, fantasy and sci-fi books (especially Annette Curtis Klause's Blood and Chocolate, and the WW:tA book series), fantasy and sci-fi movies (Queen of the Damned, Hackers, Willow, The Beast Master, Krull, Connan, Star Wars Episodes 1,2,4,5, and 6, Indiana Jones, Gattaca, The Matrix), RPGs (Diablo II), sharp objects (knives, needles, staples, saftey-pins), chains, silver things, beef jerkey, and collecting medieval weaponry. I dislike stereotypes, ignorant people, Louisiana climate, forwards, chain letters, spam, the city, high school, judgemental people, and those pricetag stickers liketheonestheyputonCDsthatnevercomeoffandwhentheydotheyleaveanastystickyspot. Gasp/huff-puff

Just as a side note, if anyone noticed that most of the images in here were b&w, you get a cookie. Hah. But anyway, the only reason behind that is my perpetual lack of an attention span, and a long time ago I made some kind of pledge to myself that I would devote my life to attempt to create a world of color with my graphite pencil. But then they had to go and make colored graphite. Curse them. Hack. The End.


Lastly, due to the recent conflicts with art theft and even moreso those who are so quick to point a finger: Most everything in this gallery was previously inspired by another artist and then put in the back of my memory bank for the next time I went to draw something. Meaning all of my ideas are mine unless otherwise stated so, but some influences from other artists may be visable in my work. Just about every arist out there has been/is an ispiration to me, and I thank you all so very much for sharing your incredible talent with others. I am truly grateful, and I will give it my absolute best effort to give credit where it's due. Thank you all.


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