Liz Ramirez

Matthew by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

This is Stealth, the creator of the leading Sonic The Hedgehog ROM editor that can edit Sonic 1, 2, 3, 3&K, Sonic CD and will include much more support as time goes by for a mere $15.00 http://stealth.emulationzone.org

Stealth's my other half, you see, and i've always tried to draw him but it's come out terrible.. Um, as per example of whats above you. :P

He's scrawny and it's very hard for me to draw tinyass ...fuzzy... Sally/Tails ..mix..thingies.. properly... Anyhow, i gave him a more cartoon'ish style on this.. his clothing color was his creators ideaer, cause like..if it were me, it'd be like, much darker. woo.

Anyhow, Stealth's got a great past, i love the development he's giving him and i hope Stealth'll enjoy the time he spends with my people in their mad antics and utter stupidity...cause like, the only other company he has is Gen and i'm afraid for Stealth whenever Gen's around (i'll try and sketch up that crazy hedgerabbit once i get permission from his creator)

Finished Work
22y247d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Monday, 05 November, 2001 @ 11:39 PM

THATS Stelth?!

HES SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::clings to him and snugs::

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