Rebecca Mason

Adults?..nope no adults here.
Adults?..nope no adults here. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Heehee here's a pc based off mine and Charlotte's RP nearly all the adults turned into teenagers and the teenagers turned into toddlers..except Gohan and the kids that aged by a couple of years and Steven and Nappa were the young adults. Anyway here are all the kids, we have 4 year old Trowa waving, 14 year old Tien just standing there, 12 year old 18 sitting in one of those inflatable chairs, 16 year old Quartina standing there smiling, 14 year old Bulma crossing her arms and smiling at the camera, 12 year old Chi-Chi smiling, 14 year old Yancha waving, 4 year old Wufei just coming onto the screen, then in the middle there's 3 year old Quatre standing there and smiling, 4 year old Nail smiling, 5 year old Piccolo looking at the camera, 4 year old Duo putting his arms in the air and possibly going hyper, erm..a little Supreme Kai looking innocently up at the camera (I don't know how old he is), 13 year old Krillin smiling wide eyed at the camera, 4 year old Heero just smiling..and standing there, 12 year old Goku smiling, 4 and a half year old Jeice looking curiously at the camera, 14 year old Vegeta (yes he's very short for that age) looking over at something and finally 17 year old Radditz folding his arms and just looking at the camera. And there is Xellos....but he's currently locked in a cuboard ^^;; Enjoy ^^.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y131d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 07 May, 2002 @ 07:33 AM

Heh, issa cute!

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