Gnat Andros

Day Dragon
Day Dragon by @gnatandr (Gnat Andros)

Just like the Night dragon, this is the gaurdian of the day. As one Creature, the dragons usually represent Time and Unity. While seperate, they represent day and Night, ying and yang.

I must have been really hopped up on sugar when I made the history for these things. They each own one wing....how would they fly? I guess the wings are more for style that..use. My favorite of the two is the Night dragon. I like how it's all silver and blue colored, and I like the strange headress-type thing I put on it's head. It looks like a cresent Moon with a star in it n_x;

If you really want to know how it looked as one picture...o_o; print them and..tape 'em together :D! yea...woo. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Gnat Andros

Finished Work
22y74d ago
Other Work By @gnatandr

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 19 April, 2002 @ 05:33 PM

ooh...i really like it ^^. I love dragons! it looks a bit like a fire dragon i made up ages ago.

My art: side7.com/art/zarathus

Posted: Monday, 23 June, 2003 @ 07:05 PM

You like to draw dragos a lot, but you never drew mine, did you? mfft.

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