Li Chi Son

Draw draw draw :P.  Was to lazy to scan *runs and hides*
Draw draw draw :P. Was to lazy to scan *runs and hides* by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

-_-, she has no name cries.

Ah hooie...not sure if she needs one cause she's not that important....well, important enough to draw her. I really wanted to draw a family for Petit, come on! the kid's always depressed! I have to make it up to him (even if Petit is always in the arms of Kuro-kun)

Mommy! :P Mommy Shinigami....-_-, how sad that that is what she is going to be called. wacks herself to think of a name Like Petit isn't any better goes and kicks herself for such crummy names Well, I hope my artwork can fill in the void where the name would aww people.

-_-, I am so going to change the story around now. No more feeling like I am copying Clamp's Tokyo Babylon!! No more!!! Kuro and Petit are going to have a much deeper relationship rather than the crappy one I just made up.

screams oh boy, I am growing up...NOOOO!!!!!!!!

:P while I freak out, enjoy the art. Not gonna draw hand cause I suck. Period.


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Rough / Concept
21y289d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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