Li Chi Son

Tada...got off my lazy @ss and scanned the second pic.
Tada...got off my lazy @ss and scanned the second pic. by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Lazy lazy me....you finally see Petit's daddy!!! Took me a while to think of how he will look like.

I really like his hair. can't remember what inspired me. I think it was a char from Devil x Devil....yeah! it was Basil! Not idea about the clothes and hourglass.

Hourglass is like timer or candles, once it goes out, you are dead.

But he's a nice man (and my english has deteriorated into a small 8-year-old child -_-)

I want to read some shounen-ai!!!! Miss that getting to know you kinda love. Sweet and romatic, just the way I like reading stories! XD

n e hoo, enjoy. I actually tried for some sort of a pose unlike the stand up pics I always draw. --;....I'm working on it!!!

Enjoy :P

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y289d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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