Blizzard Wolf

*Sings* "In The End It Doesn't Even Matter..." by @blizzardwolf (Blizzard Wolf)

Whee! OIne of my favorite songs along with my favorite character!! ^^ Yop! I colored this last night, also. I got a HUGE cramp in my hand after drawing this and then putting all those ickle words in the background. ~~ Ee! And my hand still hurts!!! I did this in my 7th period class, which happens to be Science, while everyone else was copying out of their textbooks, mwah! I also have no more school! Summer vacation RULES! Chants I might be an eighth grader soon! (The reason I said MIGHT is because I flunked the seventh grade, and have Summer school, and I might flunk Summer school. ~_~;; ) Whee, long! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Blizzard Wolf

Rough / Concept
22y36d ago
Other Work By @blizzardwolf

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2002 @ 09:15 PM

i tried so hard and got so far in the end it doesn't even matter...la la la, i forget the rest i havent herd that song in ages! grones nice picey( like all your other drawings)

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