Rykani Tamashii

The Twins!
The Twins! by @Rykani (Rykani Tamashii)

Kay, on the left is Rayne, the girl, and on the right is Blake. They're Ry and IW's kids... er... well, natural ones, they have a thousand adopted ones... lol...

Status : I have it, but... I think I'm gonna give it to Bry... ^.^

Finished Work
22y250d ago
Other Work By @Rykani

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 26 October, 2001 @ 02:01 AM


Posted: Wednesday, 20 March, 2002 @ 06:55 AM

Yep yep, ilike this drawing very much. Rayne pretty much has IW's traits. She has the care-free "Sup?" look on her face. Mmhmm...Blake definitely takes after his momma. MOMMA'S BOY! j/k It's cool though. As long as he stays away from the Teletubbies and the rest of those evil show...or else Rayne...or I(cuz I'll train her to kill with extreme prejudice against those things, lol) shall have to do a little "censorship" of our own. polishes his sword Yep Yep....Chop Po Suey....muwahahahaha

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