Kal Chan

Sad girl. Real creative title, ne? ;P
Sad girl. Real creative title, ne? ;P by @Kal_Chan (Kal Chan)

Uhg, I hate this, but Jag liked it so...here it is! x_x I'm putting it up for you Jaggy ;P Like it already states...and like you can see, this is an EXTREMLY rough drawing done on my first day of school (high school to be exact ;P)...done in study hall when I had nothing to do @@ As you can see...it was done on lined paper (my apologies! It's all I had...) and with blue ink (again I apologize...it was un-erasable ink...it's all I had with me >>;; The paper wasn't even mine to be honest, my friend Santy let me have it XD). I'm really not sure who this girl is supposed to be...but...I had ths urge to draw her, and when my urges kick in, I don't resist ;P Eck!!! Ignore the sketch in the corner!! stomps it out Blah! Bad! Pretend its not there...pwease >< It looks so bad...and I wasn't even looking at the paper when doing it, so I didn't know how close it got to my sketch of the girl (the big one)...gah. xx

Other then that...I guess that's really all I can rant on for this without repeating myself. Yeah.

Character (whoever she may be) © Kal_Chan (me)

Rough / Concept
19y237d ago
Other Work By @Kal_Chan

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