Lisa Williams

LR in Action :D
LR in Action :D by @PsychoGirl (Lisa Williams)

Eets Lisa! No- not me- but it IS my other main character from Role Play. Lisa Rocket. Now I have Asher Rocket and Lisa Rocket. ^^ No, their last names aren't Rocket but that's just how er determine if someone is a TR member on the messageboard- we put 'Rocket' after their first name to signify they're from Team Rocket. Back then it was a kinda tred to name your characters after yourself but this one also has my name because I found it apropriate for a clutz. x.x; But she's very different from me. I hate theifs and she's.... a professional. x.x Let's see, Lisa's history... She grew up in a poor family in Pallet Town and ran away after years of torment from her peers to join Team Rocket in hopes of making money, getting food, making friends and getting revenge on the trainers she hates.... She doesn't like trainers at all with the acception of one trainer who, ironially, is her best friend. XD That's Trainer Zero. ^^ She's acutally a great person to have as a friend- but she can be a terible person to have as an enemy, so beware. o.o; She's also one of my comic relief characters... aside from Asher, she is one of the more complex characters I have. o.o; Wheeee! So... that's Lisa! There she is, in kinda a landing stance and smirkin' atcha. Bwahaha! ^_^ Like Asher, I hope I can upload more ofd her too, she is one of my personal favorites! =D She's up there with Guya and PsychoGirl.

Finished Work
21y110d ago
Other Work By @PsychoGirl

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