Yaminah Tashanazi

Seto-kun's glance
Seto-kun's glance by @chaosmage (Yaminah Tashanazi)

Hehehe. This is a doodle I did one early morning when I was kinda bored and just in that doodling mood, ya know?

And I've had this cartoon in my head for quiet a while with Seto and Chaos. So I wanted to see if I could draw Seto in a bit of a comical way. He just kinda has this look . . . probably looking over at Chaos, his friend . . . dare I say best friend? (Well, she's about the only friend he's got besides Mokuba and his girlfriend Tazi, sooooo . . . ) It looks like he's watchting her and giving her the look "This is another one of those things I don't want to know about isn't it." ...... The hands are kinda butchered, looks like his right hand's fingers got cut off. They're suppose to be kinda curled, like digging into his arm. I was tired by then 'cause I hadn't slept all night . . . but oh well. XD

Finished Work
19y295d ago
Other Work By @chaosmage

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 18 August, 2004 @ 10:13 PM

XD Not cut off, just kinda . . . both hands are a bit small. ^__~ But hands are hard. Yes.

I love the expression. XD Too priceless.

The eyes aren't quite aligned right either, but eye shapes are also one of the hardest things to figure out, especially if you're running on no sleep. ^__~

I adore the shading and the detail on his pants. ^__^

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