y'kmow, I thought the same thing after I drew it, it does remind me of Rudy from Wild ARMS. begins whistling the tune from the killer intro that cool video game has
" So this is life... no wonder most men turn to death." by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)
sniffles I feel so sorry for him! This is also on my bio for Ax. I was thinking of Ax and his past, and thought of the first world war and all the casualties suffered. The title is an actual quote I think but I remembered it from somewhere and thought it fit the feeling that the picture demonstrates Artwork © Copyright 2002 Laguna Barr
Mawwwww poor Ax, hey bud, this reminds me of the start of the video game 'Wild Arms' you know where Rudy's standing in the remainder of what used to be his village? sweet piccy..well not as in cutie sweet cos there's nothing sweet about death, but it's a sweet pic since it's showing his kind and caring side.