Dib as... a badly rendered Roger Smith...? by @parareality (Paradoxal Reality)
It's almost been fully a year since the idea for doing a Zim/Big O x-over popped into my head, and now I'm gonna do it! If I can just figure out the character designs... This is my first attempt at Dib as Roger, done without reference to enhance the feeling of "what the heck is that supposed to be?"
I'll try again later. >.<
22y1d ago
Heh, I can't wait to see Dorothy/Gaz...
Anyway, the picture looks good; I like Dib's hair and sunglasses.
I think the crossover might work better if Dib/Roger was shorter, and done more consistently in the Zim style, even if he has elements of Roger in terms of costume. I find color helps a lot in these parodies as well; if a character is in a uniform from one character but the drawing uses another color scheme, it reminds you of both characters.
But you're really not giving yourself enough credit... it does look very nice! :)