B Sanders

Bremerhaven (Progress Model 110130B)
Bremerhaven (Progress Model 110130B) by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

This is a closeup of the forward section from above. I've found this to be an effective viewpoint to see the specular differences between the metal. I use three different schemes for the different structures in the ship's construction. 1. The Framework - The metal with a grainy texture. It sits up from the hull higher than the other two. These are exposed areas of the ship's skeleton on which the other metals are attached. 2. Armor - The lightest of the metals, this is the ship's "skin". It composes most of the surface area of the ship. 3. Heat-resistant plating - The darkest of the metals. These give away the ship's primary thrust ports since the cowlings around these areas need to resist the massive amount of heat put out by the ship's engines. ... Yeah, in case you couldn't tell, I've put quite a bit of thought into this.

13y91d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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